
Introducing our Romeo and Juliet Green Champions

5 June 2019

Following on from the success of our Green Adventures with Swan Lake, we are excited to continue encouraging our creative community to adopt environmentally-friendly thinking with our Romeo and Juliet National Tour. 

We’re pleased to announce a further three Green Champions as part of our new show, who join Daisy May Kemp as a previous champion: Gaby ConnJackson Fisch and Danny Reubens.

We spoke with company dancer Jackson Fisch who plays Balthasar in Romeo and Juliet about his involvement with Green Adventures as a Green Champion. Read what he had to say below:

Why is being a Green Champion important to you?

"Being a Green Champion is important to me as it allows me to develop and change my own personal habits whilst having discussions with people about how and why we need to make changes to our daily lifestyles, as well as our touring habits, to make a positive change for environmental sustainability. I am in no way a perfect Green Champion, but being a part of the conversation has made me more aware and increased my ability to advocate for change." 

What do you feel is your responsibility as an artist to ensure a greener, more sustainable world?

"I believe my responsibility is to notice where I personally can change and develop greener habits, then to talk to and inspire others to do the same! A few months ago I became aware that, as a company, we were using copious amounts of paper towel to wipe the sweat off of ourselves whilst backstage during a performance. After noticing this I went out and bought my own towel that I could reuse show after show in place of the paper towel that was just thrown away. As a company now, each dancer has a sweat towel provided to them and paper towel is no longer used!"

Creativity & Sustainability: Why is the relationship between the two and how can we be more creative in our approach to protecting the environment?

"All over the world artists, creatives and environmentalists are collaborating and thinking of new, sustainable ways to achieve what we now consider necessary ways of working and living. From fashion houses using sustainable materials, to architecture embracing natural materials and encouraging horticulture - the collaborative nature to advocate change always has a creative drive. Without creativity, new ideas driven by this passion and a desire for change would not come about."

Watch this space for more #GreenAdventures with Romeo and Juliet!

Find out more about our Romeo and Juliet Green Champions

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