Talent Development
New Adventures takes pride in nurturing new and emerging dancers, teachers and choreographers, supporting them to develop as performers and artists.
From training to professional practice and approaching career transition, we offer support and development through a comprehensive programme of projects, classes, workshops and initiatives.
We offer a range of classes, including Masterclass for dance professionals, Pro Class for young dancers offering professional level technique and Online Company Classes - a range of classes giving you a taste of a New Adventures Company Class.
We are committed to supporting dance schools and conservatoires in preparing the next generation of talent for our company and the wider sector.
Our Resident Lead Dance Artists work with institutions across the country to introduce students to the unique language of our work and deepen our connection with faculties and support their dancers’ training.

Over the last few years, we have delivered a combination of workshops and mock auditions in Urdang Academy, Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, Performers College, London Studio Centre, The Royal Ballet School and Trinity Laban and look forward to leading choreographic residencies with the Centre for Advanced Training at Trinity Laban, Tring Park Performing Arts and Central School of Ballet.
Internationally we have held residencies at Princeton University and Sarasota Ballet and workshops at USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance.