
Next Adventures

We are pleased to offer inclusive workshops aimed at those over 55 years at Farnham Maltings. Get your bodies moving and learn repertoire from Bourne’s award-winning collection of work.

1 woman with her arm raised is at centre front, with several other women behind lifting their arms and reaching up

The workshops begin with a gentle warm up to mobilise your joints and stretch your muscles and then you will have the chance to learn choreography from our shows. This is followed by guided creative tasks where you will make your own movement based on the choreography learnt. These workshops are open to all levels of ability and mobility.

Aimed at those over 55 years, delve into Matthew Bourne's award-winning productions and get your bodies moving in these fun and creative dance workshops led by our Dance Artist Emily Piercy.


8 May

5 June

17 July

4 September

9 October

13 November

11 December

Please book and pay on Farnham Maltings website here:



Subsidised places are available for those who may find cost prohibitive.