Brenda Emmanus OBE
Chair, Board of Trustees
Brenda has had a long and consistent career on national television, turning her skills to a broad range of subjects from news and current affairs, travel, consumer issues, fashion and interior design. She is equally at home interviewing international artists and A-list celebrities as she is with the general public.
Currently working as an Arts, Culture and Entertainment Correspondent most recently across BBC London and BBC Network news, Brenda also presents the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition Specials with Kirsty Wark, as well as hosting a broad range of screenings and promotional events for BBC publicity teams and Channel Executives.
Outside of broadcasting organisations, Brenda’s popularity as a presenter has also seen her in much demand as a host for live shows and events – working for the likes of Ernst and Young, The National Theatre, The British Film Institute, The WOW (Women of the World) Festival, The Art Fund, Frieze Art Fair, The Powerlist and Sadlers Wells Theatre to name a few.
Brenda was awarded an OBE for services to Broadcasting and Diversity in 2019, and an Honorary Doctorate from the University of the Arts in 2020. She has also received a Community Honours Award at the House of Lords, a Baton Award for mentoring and inspiring other media professionals and a Legacy Community Award.
A keen supporter of the Arts, she is Chair of Sir Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures Dance Company; a founding member and Vice Chair of the Creative Industries Alliance, and was Vice Chair, then President of BBC Embrace while employed by the Corporation.
Her passions and interests include the arts and anything creative, travel, food, working with young people, self development and supporting women in business and through self- empowerment.