For the first two weeks of Matthew Bourne's Cinderella in Center Theatre Group's Ahmanson New Adventures dance artists Mami Tomotani and Luke Murphy delivered a wide range of activity for students across the county.

In total we visited 12 state high schools and some special schools with one-off workshops based on the show. 228 young people took part and entered the world of Cinderella. Then on 13 February 39 schools joined us for a schools’ matinee performance at the Ahmanson attended by 1,408 students and educators. The warmth and support towards the company for this particular show was next to none and the majority stayed behind for a post-show Q&A with company dancers, Ashley Shaw, Jackson Fisch, Liam Mower, Andrew Monaghan, Reece Causton and Madelaine Brennan.

Rounding off our stateside educational activity on 14 - 15 February 17 young people from LA Academy for Arts and Enterprise got to step 'In Our Shoes' for a two-day experience. The group created a response piece to Cinderella that was shared on stage with the company on day two.
We would like to say a massive thank you to our dance artists who led on this activity and also to the Center Theatre Group for once again making us feel at home! We hope you continue to enjoy the show until midnight hits on 10 March and the show disappears once more...