
Creative Green Awards 2019

2 July 2019

On 1 July New Adventures was delighted to attend the Creative Green Awards 2019 hosted by Julie's Bicycle

Over the past year we have been working closely with Julie's Bicycle on the first Creative Green Certification for the touring sector with our UK tour of Swan Lake and we were excited to celebrate our achievements at the awards ceremony.

The evening saw many colleagues and organisations in the arts and culture sector recognised for the strides they have taken to advocate and champion green sustainability. We were overjoyed that Swan Lake company member Andrew Ashton received the Green Champion award along with four other people for his proactive role on tour with us. When visiting each of the 23 theatres that Swan Lake toured to in the UK, Andrew was quick to approach venue staff enquiring about their green policies, placement of recycling bins and offered advice on quick wins that everyone can undertake. He also advocated to the wider company about green behaviours whilst on tour.

Please join us in congratulating Andrew, who from next week will be touring Asia and the US with our legendary production and is keen to see what our overseas partners are up to on all things green!

The Green Champions at the Creative Green Awards 2019
The Green Champions at the Creative Green Awards 2019 - Andrew Ashton pictured second in on the right Credit: Angela Dennis

As part of Julie's Bicycle and Arts Council England's inaugural Accelerator Programme we are also currently in a consortium with Sadler's Wells and Norwich Theatre Royal and were delighted to find both theatres nominated for several awards. We were thrilled to watch as Norwich proudly received the award for Improvement.

Well done to all organisations involved and we look forward to continue our Green Adventures in the year ahead with much still to be done!

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