
A Midwinter’s Dream film released today!

19 December 2020

To continue our commitment to developing emerging dance talent and creating legacy from our projects, Resident Artists Kerry Biggin and Paul Smethurst have worked with eight of the Romeo and Juliet Local Cast dancers to create a unique film.  

The piece has been inspired by fairies, that appear both in Sleeping Beauty and Highland Fling. Using these ethereal and mystical creatures as a starting point, the group began by exploring individual emotional states that, once asleep, manifest into fairy creatures that personify this feeling. 

‘A dream is a microscope through which we look at the hidden occurrences in our soul’ 

- Erich Fromm (German Social Psychologist)

It poses the question: What happens to our emotions when we fall asleep and dream? What do they become and where do they go?

Over the course of 3 evenings, working remotely via the digital realm, the group created their own story; weaving together pieces of choreography from the two New Adventures productions with their own creative work, which was then filmed using the medium of zoom and edited together into this film. 

The film features both music from Highland Fling by Herman Severin Løvenskiold, originally composed for the ballet La Sylphide, and Tchaikovsky’s score from ‘Sleeping Beauty’ 

The film stars Alexander Love, Alexandra De La BastideAshton Hall, Bethany Hunt, Megan Ferguson, Orla Collier, Patrick Kingand Seirian Griffiths

‘I just wanted to say thank you so much for last week. I had the most amazing time and learnt so much from you and the whole process. I can’t explain how wonderful it felt to be back dancing with yourself and being creative again. I’m so thankful for all of the opportunities you give me’ 

- Megan Ferguson (Romeo and Juliet Local Cast)

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