Cygnet School Experience Day 2022

New Adventures is looking for young people with energy, passion, and a strong interest in dance to come and join us for our Cygnet School Experience Day.

What is Cygnet School?

A year long programme for dancers aged 12-18 providing fun, engaging opportunities to develop their dance and creative skills through the work and methodology of the New Adventures unique storytelling style, in a safe and fun environment. 

The Cygnet company meets monthly at our partner home, The Marlowe in Canterbury, where they take part in contemporary class, fitness and conditioning and creative sessions that explore different aspects of the New Adventures style.  

Mentored by leading artists and teachers from New Adventures the dancers are supported throughout and there are also opportunities to engage with the company, watch performances and learn about the many other roles and careers that are possible within the arts.   

Schedule example 
10.30am-12.30pm : Fitness and Contemporary Class 
12.30pm-1.30pm : Lunch 
1.30pm-4.30pm : Dance Choreography and Creative Exercises  

Cygnet School gives me an outlet to be creative and develop myself with like-minded people, I feel I now have more inner confidence in myself because I have had this opportunity.

Samuel, Cygnet 21/22

What is a Cygnet School Experience Day?

Our fun experience days are an opportunity to come and find out more about what Cygnet School is all about.  

You will take part in a workshop that explores contemporary technique, learn some movement from one of our famous productions and get creative yourself.  

A number of participants will be asked to join the Cygnet School programme following the Experience Day.

Who are the Cygnet School Experience Days for?

  • Dancers based within 2 hours of Canterbury
  • Aged 12-18 or up to the age of 24 if d/Deaf or disabled
  • Dancers must not currently be enrolled on a full-time vocational dance course
  • Disabled and non-disabled dancers
  • Have some dance experience (all styles welcome)
  • Passionate about dance

We are particularly interested in working with young people who have experienced less opportunities in dance and may not have had much access to high quality dance experiences.

When is the Cygnet School Experience Day?

Saturday 30 April

10.30am-12.30pm Morning Session 
2pm-4pm Afternoon Session 

If you are selected to take part in the Cygnet School Experience Day, you will be invited to either the morning or afternoon session.

Where is the Cygnet School Experience Day?

Danceworks, 16 Balderton St, London, W1K 6TN 

How to apply

We will be accepting applications from 24 March until 5pm on 14 April.
We will then select some dancers to attend the Cygnet School Experience Day in London on 30 April. Successful applicants will be notified by 21 April.

We advise you to not apply if you live more than 2 hours away from Canterbury.  

To apply, please complete this form by 10am on 18 April. 

The application form will ask for the following.

  • Name and age
  • Contact information for yourself and your parent/carer
  • A few sentences telling us how dancing makes you feel
  • A link to a video up to 1 minute in length of you moving to your favourite bit of music

How to make your video

  • Your video should be of you dancing – we want to see you move and your passion for dance. 
  • This could be you dancing at home, in a studio or in your regular dance class.
  • If there are other people in the video, please make sure that you tell us which one is you (for example ‘I’m wearing a yellow t-shirt’).
  • You can dance in any style that you choose. 
  • Your video should be a maximum of 1 minute in total.
  • You can use video footage that you have already made, it doesn’t have to be new.
  • Please do not worry about the quality of the film, recording on your phone will be perfect for us. The most important thing for us is that we can see you dancing.
  • Please only send in one video.

How to upload your video in the application form

You can upload your video to a video sharing platform (for example YouTube or Vimeo) and send us a link or load it onto a Dropbox or Google Drive. We strongly recommend that you make sure your video/videos are private (not public) and are deleted after May 2022.

Cygnet School Dates

Before applying for the Cygnet School Experience Day and a place on our Cygnet School programme, please check that you are available for all of the Cygnet School dates below. The Cygnet School will take place at The Marlowe in Canterbury unless otherwise stated.

Sun 18 Sept 2022 

Sun 6 Nov 2022  

Sun 27 Nov 2022 

Sun 18 Dec 2022 (London) 

Sun 15 Jan 2023 

Sun 19 Feb 2023 (Mercury Theatre) 

Sun 26 Mar 2023  

Sun 23 Apr 2023  

Sun 28 May 2023  

Sun 25 June 2023  

Mon 24 – Fri 28 Jul 2023 

Finance for Cygnet School

The Cygnet School programme is fully subsidised (meaning it is free to attend, lunch is provided, and Sunday travel is paid for you and parent/carer).  You will need to pay for your own travel to the Cygnet School Experience Day in London.


New Adventures is committed to ensuring our workshops are accessible to people of all backgrounds. If you have any problems/issues/questions about this application and programme or need support applying or getting to the Cygnet School Experience Day, please write to us in confidence at with the subject line ‘Cygnet School Experience Day (your name)’.